Rank Practice; Boost Your Web Portal With Practice And Perfection

Today, the Internet has become the answer to all our questions and the solution to all our problems and needs. Whatever we want, it is available at a click. But with so many options already available and with so many new emerging websites, how to stand out and make your web portal the best? Rank Practice means the practice to improve your website’s ranking is the answer to this question.

How Google ranks websites –

• Connecting links: Use external links to draw the audience’s attention towards your site.
• Click thru rate (CTR) – The rate at which the pay per click (PPC) ads are clicked. It is the ratio of people who view the ad to the ratio of people who click the ad.
• User experience/Time spent by the user – Google observes and calculates the user’s time on your website. This shows if the viewer spent time on the portal or lost interest and had to exit.
• Speed of site: This comprises the loading time and mobile-friendly nature of the website. If the website takes too much time to load, the user might not cling on for too long. People don’t carry their laptops everywhere, so the site should be mobile-friendly for everyone’s access.
• Google Adwords: It is a pay-per-click digital advertising platform through which advertisers display ads on Google’s search engine results page.

The methods mentioned above provide measures for rank practice and improvement. It should always be kept in mind that pushing and emphasizing keywords too much in the content can make it look fake. One should write with a flow and not increase the keyword count, which might make it look obvious.
Rank Practice can be achieved through practice and implementation of new techniques and trends now and then so that the website remains up to date.

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